Giveaway Manager 2, Watch Out For The Tsunami !

Hi partners

Since we launched 1 week ago we have had a tremendous amount of feedback about our product, our sales techniques, upgrades, it’s all very exciting!

In response to many requests, we have now implemented a three part payment plan to assist people to own Giveaway Manager 2 a lot faster. This means that you can now run your event and cash in on your subscribers even before you’ve finished paying for your software. Sound good ?

This is now a huge selling point in order to break the cash barrier that we (inadvertantly) put up during the sales process.

We are already contacting all our members about this option, and we’re hoping to send you large affiliate commissions after the 30 days vesting period is up.

Next, we’ve resolved a couple of bug fixes for the software, which were discovered after launch. And we’ve even added more functionality to the software already.

It’s been a pleasure assisting a few people to work through their site setup over the last few days - spine chilling to see Giveaway Manager 2 software now ready to launch onto the market in a Tsunami-like avalanche of giveaway activities that are ready to hit the marketplace.

No doubt you will be involved in that, one way or another!

Lastly, we’ve put up two more Marketing emails for you to use in your promotions.

Here’s just one of them - there are in fact 6 emails now available inside the site.

As we’re still paying out $148.50 commissions, (and $200 commissions for the OTO), this is still a huge opportunity for you to get in on the ground floor and make some easy money by releasing Giveaway Manager 2 to your JV Partners the Marketplace.

Ready ?

Go for it !

Brad Smith and Guido Nussbaum


Subject - {firstname}- He Made $5,000 in 14 Days!

Hey {firstname},

Odin Sorenson did it.

He purchased Giveaway Manager 2, put on his
own event, and banked $5,000 in just 2 weeks!

Want to see his testimonial?

Click here => [AFFILIATE LINK]

His return on investment for that ONE event
alone was ALMOST 1700%!

And 2,122 brand, new subscribers!

All he has to do now is:



These new subcribers could potentially put at
LEAST $2,000 in Odin’s pocket each and every

And even if he doesn’t run another giveaway event
in quite a while, he can create a business around
these subscribers who will happily pay him to
feed them what they want.

It can’t get any better than that!

He’s GUARANTEED to make money from his list
as long as he keeps them happy.

And this is something you can do, too!

All you have to do is say to yourself,

“You know what? I’m going to take Brad & Guido
up on their offer.”

“I’ve been reading these letters for the
last coupla days and I’ve been hesitant.”

“I guess I’ll just take their word for it and
take the plunge!”

“After all, they DO offer a money-back guarantee!

“So what have I got to lose more than a couple
thousand subscribers?”

That’s right. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose.

So here’s the link… click on it now:


…and let’s guide you through setting up
and launching your very own giveaway event!

Here’s To A Profitable Givewaway Event,



P.S. Launching a giveaway is the fastest way to
build a list. Most of the other methods are too
slow. In as little as 7 days, you can have a
purely, golden opt-in list. And Giveaway Manager 2
is the tool to help you do just that.

Click here now =>


One Response to “ Giveaway Manager 2, Watch Out For The Tsunami ! ”

  1. [...] Free Article Search Directory wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptGiveaway Manager 2, Watch Out For The Tsunami ! May 1st, 2008 Hi partners Since we launched 1 week ago we have had a tremendous amount of feedback about our product, our sales techniques, upgrades, it’s all very exciting! In response to many requests, we have now implemented a three part payment plan to assist people to own Giveaway Manager 2 a lot faster. This means that you can now run your event and cash in on your subscribers even before you’ve finished paying for your software. Sound g [...]

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